I want to personally thank you for signing up for The Smart Offer Platform! [edd_receipt]
We’ve put a lot of time and effort into building the most powerful membership plugin around. I sincerely hope you stick with
The Smart Offer Platoform and that it helps you take your business or organization to the next level.
1.) The first thing you should do is watch the “Getting Started” video. This video will show you how to setup your personalized and branded Offer Platform and will teach you how to use about 90% of the platform in just a few minutes.
Click here to watch the Getting Started video
2.) If you have not done so already, please Register or set up your Offer Platform. This creates the ability for you to generate your own Offer Platform landing pages for your specific listings that are on the MLS. Remember, once your you upload your listings, your will be able to copy and paste the URL in all of your marketing!
You can Register and set up your personalized Offer Platform your here:
3.) After that, go to our Tutorial and FAQ’s site so you can learn the best way to leverage this Offer Platform software and all the “How To’s”.
You can access the Tutorial and FAQ’s Click Here!
If you have questions or need help you can access support Click Here or give us a call at 1 (833) BE-WISER
That’s all for now. We hope you enjoy using The Smart Offer Platform.
Andy Parker
Founder, The Smart Offer Platform